
Carrie Heeter — Michigan State University

“I design and study cybermeditation and teach foundations of serious games and human-centered experience design courses.

I have studied meditation intensively for seven years with my teacher, Dr. Marcel Allbritton, in the tradition of Sri T. Krishnamacharya and T.K.V. Desikachar. I am a certified Yoga Meditation Teacher. For the last six years I have participated in bi-monthly meditation planning classes taught by Chase Bossart.

Together Marcel and I have been developing approaches to design and deliver meditation in this system of yoga and meditation. I am Founding Director of Mindtoon Lab LLC (now also known as Yoga Mind Tools), a startup that designs Mindtoon™ cybermeditation experiences including virtual reality meditation experiences and outcome-based meditation apps for productivity, lifestyle, and well-being. We also explore the idea of meditation as meaningful play.

I direct MSU’s fully online graduate certificate in serious games. Throughout my 40+ year career, I have designed and studied technology-enhanced experiences. I have designed and directed development of more than 50 interactive experiences including learning and cognitive games and other technology-enhanced learning experiences, interactive learning systems, and patient empowerment software. I have published more than 100 books, chapters, articles, and proceedings about individual and social impacts of interactive technology, gender and gaming, and playstyles and player types.

My academic degrees include a Ph.D. in Mass Media (1986) and a BA in Communication (1982), both from Michigan State University. I was founding director of the Communication Technology Laboratory (1980 to 2005) which has transformed into the thriving GEL Lab (Games for Entertainment and Learning) lead by Brian Winn.”